
Centre for ADHD Awarness, Canada

CADDAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization providing leadership and support in awareness, education and advocacy for ADHD organizations and individuals across Canada. They organize, build and present up-to-date scientifically based educational programs

ADHD Voices

ADHD Voices brings the perspectives and experiences of children into international debates around rising child psychiatric diagnoses and the increasing use of drugs in child psychiatry. These voices contribute to an empirical evidence base that helps to inform ethical debate, clinical judgment, and national policy. VOICES is a Welcome Trust funded research project led by Professor Ilina Singh at Kings College London.


  • ADHD In Relationships

    When you are in a romantic relationship where you suspect that one of the partners has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), it can feel as though the relationship is a lot of work, and that you get stuck in a frustrating cycle.

  • What is Adult ADHD?

    A brief overview to help you understand ADHD in adults, and why does it seem so common right now

  • Helping an ADHD Child Cope with School

    Going Back to school can be hard on any child, even more so for kids with ADHD. Here are some tips for helping them.

  • What we're reading - November 1, 2019

    Learn about Emotional Intelligence and how to nurture it in children with The Whole Brain Child.